Cory & Matt is based on characters originally created by Isabel Paquette and Amanda "Rocky" Rock
Cory behaves more like a house pet than a room mate. His habit of chewing on everything in sight combined with his goofy smile makes him by far the stupidest person in town. |
Matt is afraid of the unknown and since he doesn't know anything, he's afraid of practically everything. Matt is best friends with Cory because Cory is simple enough to understand. Much of Cory's stupidity has rubbed off on Matt. |
Naria is the ultimate cynic. She hates cooking, she hates the media, she hates her boss, she hates her job, and she especially hates Cory and Matt. Her only means of keeping her sanity is by whacking things with large blunt objects. |
Naria's best friend Kimmy is a very talented person. She's a good cook and gifted poet but being kind is not one of her skills. She thinks that love sucks and will act violently towards anyone who disagrees. This would explain her lack of a boyfriend. |
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